Sally Hansen Satin Glam Sun Sheen Nail Polish Swatch and Review

Hello guys! Merry Christmas to you all! I hope that your special xmas day is amazing and filled with beutiful memories! On this holiday, I bring you a swatch and review of another polish that I recently acquired. This package arrived yesterday and I wanted to share with you all this fantastic nail polish! This is Sun Sheen from the Sally Hansen Satin Glam collection!

I am a total orange lover, but I think that even if your not, you'd still love this polish because it's packed full of sparkes. One thing that I noticed is that it takes AGES to dry if you work in thick coats, the best way to work with this polish is to do two thin coats, like, as thin as possible. The polish dries to a satin matte finish, but you can still clearly see all the shimmer and sparkle in there!
Some polishes with any kind of matte finish can be very difficult to work with, but this goes on smoothly.
 If this finish isn't your cuppa tea, just slap a coat of top coat on there and badda-bing-badda-boom it's shiny!

Voila! Shiny! I was really happy with the way the satin finish looks in the photo! I didn't think it would be as accurate!

You can see the finish pretty well on a swatch stick as well!

The bottle is kinda' weird and retro, it reminds me a lot of a lava lamp! The brush is a lot like the brush from the Xtreme wear range.

All in all, this polish is absolutely fantastic! It's gorgeous and shimmery and the finish is awesome! I love the colour orange, and finding a good orange can be really difficult. This orange, it's fantastic! What do you guys think? Do you like orange? Do you like it shiny or satin? Let me know what you think in the comments, and have an awesome Christmas!
May your nails, and holidays, be good!


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