China Glaze 'Peachy Keen' Peach Nail Polish Swatch and Review

Hello, everybody! How are you today? Me? I'm happy coz' I've got China Glaze and a story to share with y'all. Ok, so I was at the shopping centre and hitting up all those shops that sell nail polish (as you do when you are a nail polish addict) and I get to one of my favourite discount stores. In the nail polish section there was a bottle of China Glaze! Gasp! I was so excited because I had never seen an actual, physical bottle of China Glaze in an actual, physical store! Naturally, I grabbed it. When I got to the checkout there were two ladies at the checkout. One of them, who was serving me, scanned the China Glaze and it came up as $2 instead of $5 and because she was really lovely she offered to help me look for any more but I had already looked through very thoroughly (as you do when you see China Glaze in a store) so I said 'Oh, no. It's okay, this was the only one of these in there" and as soon as I said that, the other lady that was at the counter just gave me the dirtiest look, like 'I wanted that discount China Glaze' which obviously was making me very, very uncomfortable. The receipt was taking forever to print, and the whole time I was being given this terrible look and I was so uncomfortable I just wanted to get out of there! When the receipt finally printed, I grabbed it, gave my thanks and in my rush, dropped the reciept like a clutz, and picked it up and almost dropped it again, then rushed out of the store totally in a fluster. BUT, I was still victorious because I got a bargain (cue evil cackling here). Anyway, I shall proceed with the swatch and the review, enjoy it, the fruit of my embarrassing and uncomfortable experience.

Yay! I have a minor obsession with China Glaze nail polish and peach nail polish, so guys, innit this a treat? I haven't seen many nail polishes that are similar to this colour wise, therefore, the obsession. I  This polish has a good formula which almost reaches full opacity in two coats, but, I found that the second coat still had streaks and dark spots through it so I had to apply a third. I was honestly surprised that I needed that third coat, because it was really opaque, even from coat number one! I think that this problem with streaks may have been due to the skinny China Glaze brush rather than a problem with the formula.

Even though I like peach polishes a lot, I was a little worried that this colour wouldn't suit my skin tone, as it is more orange-toned than the other peach nail polish I own (V.I Peach by Sinful Colors). I was pleasantly surprised that it looked good on me. It also has a high shine finish, which I love!

Overall, I really enjoyed this unique nail polish. Despite the fact that it needed three coats, you don't see a lot of polishes in this colour, I say, if you see it; snap it up! I really think this is a great polish to wear in the summertime; It's bright, fun and really shiny! It was worth the trauma to get my hands on this unique gem! What do you guys think? Do you see many peach-polishes? What do you think about the China Glaze brush? What season would you wear this polish? Let me know right here in the comments (please do!) and on Instagram and Pintrest (my username is thegoodnailsblog)!
May your nails be good!


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