Models Own Neon Orange Nail Polish "Orange Seal" Swatch and Review

Hello friends! How are you? I have just come back from a little coastal holiday and I brought nail polish-specifically 46 nail polishes. Yep, I know HAUL, H-A-U-L!! I'm not sure if I should turn it into a new series, like my Boxing Day Haul Series which I recently finished, please let me know what you think in the comments! Anyway, I'll get the ball rolling with this Neon nail polish from a brand which I have been dying to try; Models Own. I bought this on sale (actually I bought everything from this haul on sale, that's a LOT of sales!) from Priceline for $2!

This polish is called Orange Seal. It is SUPER bright neon polish, which I love for the summertime! There is no white base coat needed for this polish, which I find impressive given how bright it is. But, the formula takes three coats to get fully opaque, as on two coats there are still dark patches. I felt like as I was wearing this polish, I could really clearly see my nail line from certain angles. Also, you have to make sure the underneath of your nails are super clean if you wear this, because any dirt underneath the nails really shows.

The bottle is a very very round shape. I really love the simplicity of the logo which ties in to the minimalistic shape of the bottle. It is a good size too. And that lid!

That. Is. Gorgeous. I heard that the name of the collection that this polish comes from is called the 'aqua-proof'' collection (What does that mean? All nail polish is aquaproof!) which I suppose is where the idea of these beautiful water droplets comes from. The colour of the lid is a beautiful chrome blue, which is super shiny. As far as I can tell, all the Models Own Nail polishes have different caps depending on what collection they are from, I think that's super fun.

The most disappointing aspect of this polish would definitely have to be the brush. I opened the bottle and saw this lovely wide paddle brush and thought 'YES! Thank you, Models Own'. Then when I went to apply the polish, I found the brush was very weak and difficult to control, it did not make for an easy application.

Overall, I really enjoyed this nail polish! Despite some problematic areas, the polish was bright and beautiful, just what you want from a neon like this! The colour is SO enjoyable, I just love it! And the bottle! The design of the bottle was absolutely beautiful! It and makes me want to collect more Models Own nail polishes! So, pretty bottle + pretty polish + bright neon = happy me! What do
you guys think! Tell me, should I have another haul series? Have you tried Models Own nail polish? Do you love that bottle? Let me know right here in the comments section or on Instagram and Pinterest (my username is thegoodnailsblog)!
May your nails be good!


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