Sally Hansen Pixel Perfect Topper Swatch and Review

Hello everybody! Whats'a goin' on? I don't think that I have mentioned this before, but I LOVE toppers, they are one of my favourite things to collect! This is a topper that I bought while I was on vacation, I was really excited to try it because I have never tried a topper from Sally Hansen. This is called Pixel Perfect.

This topper is packed full of different kinds of matte glitties (that's how I say glitter sometimes); there are larger hex glitties in both white and black as well as smaller black and white hex glitties. There are also teeny tiny little round glitties in black and white and large black bar glitties. While I am not a fan of bar glitters, I think that in this topper it pulls everything together really nicely. I also enjoyed all these different elements, it makes it very interesting to look at, and it's not too much, a really good balance.

 There! Now you can admire all the elements inside this polish!

Unfortunately it is really hard to fish the larger hex glitters and get them onto the nail. All of the hex glitters in mine seemed to me sticking to the bottle and didn't want want to get on me' brush! I did two coats of this polish over two coats of Heavy Metal, also from the Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear range. On the plus side, I didn't have to do much dabbing to get the glitties where I wanted them.

Overall, I really loved this polish. Despite the fact that it was very difficult to get the larger glitters onto my nail, I was really impressed by the way that the elements all worked together and looked on the nail. With Valentines Day approaching, I can now confirm that I am preparing my 'Top Ten Nail Polishes to Wear for Valentines Day' post. As the name infers, I will be swatching and sharing my top ten polish picks for Valentines Day with a mini review for each polish! I hope that you guys are looking forward to it :).
May your nails be good


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