Valentines Day Vocaloid Inspired Gray and White Hearts Nail Art Tutorial

Hello guys! Today is Valentines Day, so happy Valentines Day, guys! To celebrate this holiday, I will be posting my last Valentines Day nails. I know, I'm sad too, but that doesn't mean we can't enjoy them!

A very little known fact about me is that I love anime and other related media such as vocaloid, light novels and manga. These nails are inspired by a vocaloid song called 'two-faced lovers'. I saw the cover of one of the video's for this song, which were grey and white hearts on a grey and white background, and thought 'ooh, pretty....hey, this would look good on my nails', which is my thought process for most things, and so here we are! I really wanted to do the song justice, since it is an absolute classic, and I am pretty happy with how these turned out! The polishes that I used for these nails were Essie Blanc and Heavy Metal from Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear.

Alright! First step! On a white base coat, take your grey polish and using the brush from the bottle, swipe the brush over the nail until you have covered half the nail in grey polish. I recommend wiping the majority of the polish off of your brush, otherwise things might get a bit messy. Also, it doesn't matter the nail isn't divided in half very neatly or symmetrically, as by the end you probably won't even notice! So, no stressing, okay?

Next up, take a little nail art brush and white nail polish and draw half of a heart on the grey section.

Complete the heart outline by drawing the other half in grey on the white half of the nail.

Lastly, complete the heart by filling in each half of the heart in it's respective colour (the half of the heart on the grey side should be white and the half of the heart on the white side should be grey)!

Now these nails are complete, doesn't it feel good, guys? I saved this post for last due because the inspiration for these nails is a very disturbing twist on the concept of love and I wanted to do something a little different for my very last Valentines post of the year. Who knows? Maybe I will make that a tradition. Anyway! I wanna know what you think! Do you like these nails? What have you got on your nails this Valentines Day? Have any of you guys heard or or have listened to vocaloid? Let me know right here in the comments or on Instagram and Pintrest (my username is thegoodnailsblog). I also have a video tutorial for these nails on my Instagram page, if you guys are interested in seeing the tutorial in action.
May your nails be good!


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