Essie 'Buy Me A Cameo' and Profusion 'Gold Rush', Just a Random Manicure

Hi all! Welcome to the very first post in my new series 'Just a Random Manicure'. This series is basically looking at well, random manicures that I am wearing or have worn. We are kicking off this series with my latest mani (it's still on my nails now!) Buy Me a Cameo by Essie topped with Gold Rush by Profusion. I have had this on my nails for about two days so far, but unfortunately because I was treating my nails with oil before I put it on, it is now peeling off. Sigh. But! That matters not because I have really enjoyed this combination, it is beautiful!

Because Gold Rush is a holographic, I had a real tough time capturing it in my light-box and had to venture out into the sunshine (well, I don't know that you could say sunshine, it was a really cloudy day) and snap some pictures out there in order to try to capture that holographic. And, I was somewhat successful, you can sort of see the holographic-ness. Sort of... but it's still not that accurate. I had never heard of or worked with a Profusion nail polish before; but I liked this one! It's a holographic with these little goldy-glitters in it, but I couldn't really tell that they were there until I took the photos because it is so similar to the base colour. I was so confused about the name Gold Rush until I found about those gold glitters!

Yeah! There you can probably spot those little gold glitties a bit better! The base colour that I used was Buy Me a Cameo by Essie, and I love that as a combination because it is such a beautiful but subtle colour and it really lets that holographic shine, and sparkle and glitter! For this manicure, I used three coats of Buy Me A Cameo and two coats of Gold Rush. I must note that it took a little longer than normal for Gold Rush to dry and it barely got done unscathed, I thought I was gonna do something while it was still drying and completely ruin it! But nope! Miraculously it is all ok!

So, that is it for the very first instalment of the Just a Random Manicure series (Just a Random Mani for short, or well, slightly shorter)! I hope that you guys enjoyed this combo as much as I did, and I am glad that I got to share this mani with you!
May your nails be good


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