Teal Nail Polish Comparisons: Essie 'Viva Antigua' vs Revlon Colorstay Gel Envy 'Dealers Choice'

Hi guys! Lately I seem to keep running into nail emergencies! My thumb nail has broken so now it is very, very short and the nail on my ring finger has a break that I have temporarily stuck a false nail over the top of so it doesn't break off completely, but think I am going to try to fix with the teabag/nail glue method (which I have never tried before, so we will see how that goes)! Amongst those devastating nail disasters, I  bring you something else new to this blog, EXTRA DRAMATIC DRUMROLL: A comparison post! Now, in the past I have done comparison posts before, but only in relation to collections. This one here is different, coz it's just two nail polishes that I thought might be similar so I decided to compare them, just for a bit of fun! I shall not delay any further; let's jump right in now and see what we are comparing!

There they are! Our subjects of this comparison post; Viva Antigua by Essie and Dealers Choice by Revlon (y'know, the Colorstay Gel Envy line)! A while ago I was wearing Dealers Choice and I had a thought 'Hey this kind of reminds me of another polish...'  and when I eventually realised what that other polish was, of course I wanted to compare them! These are both teal polishes, with a pretty, pretty shimmer!

What strikes me as a most similar element of these polishes is the shimmer; it is a kind of plain white shimmer that you don't see particularly often in nail polish. I love me some shimmer, and a unique shimmer; that's even better than regular shimmer!

And like magic, there are the two polishes side-by-side on the nail! I am surprised by how light Viva Antigua is and how dark Dealers Choice is! They are not at all the same shade, and the shimmer is a WHOLE lot less visible in Dealers Choice than it is in Viva Antigua! In fact, the shimmer in Viva Antigua is so strong, it's practically all I can look at; my eyes are glued to it! By comparison, the shimmer in Dealers Choice is practically invisible, and I think it is probably due to the darker base colour. This just goes to show how different two teal polishes can be.

This is what Dealers Choice looks like by itself on the nail! You can really see how dark the colour is. On a complete side note, this polish STAINS! Its not so much that it stains really badly once you take it off, it's just that it takes forever to get the stains off once the damage is done!

And, that is Viva Antigua on it's own. It is soooo much lighter than Dealers Choice and that shimmer s is really, really visible!

While these polishes were very, very far from being a dupe, it was still really interesting to see that even if something looks similar in the bottle, it doesn't necessarily translate to being similar on the nail. I had a lot of fun with this post and I can't wait to do some more comparisons in the near future!
May your nails be good


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