Valentines Day Dotted Heart Nail Art Tutorial

Hello there! How are you doing today? I really, really, really wanted to use a dotting tool in some nail art, I was dying to, I had to! So, I did, and now you can too!

These, are like, super easy, and like, super cute! I think the hearts are very sweet and Valentines-ish, or Valentines-y or, err, Valentines-like, why is there no word for this? Oh well, there are three of them now (you're welcome, dictionary)!

 These nails are only a two step process, well, three if you count painting on a base colour. I used 'White on' by Sally Hansen, two coats of it! So anyway, pick out a red polish (I used Revlon Red by Revlon) and grab yourself a small dotting tool and make dots to form the shape of a heart on your nail.

Now, wash, rinse and repeat! Not literally, please don't do it literally. What I mean is, repeat the above step in a light pink colour to create a heart in a heart (a heart of hearts!). I used Smartease from the Sally Hansen Miracle Gel range for this step.

There is is! Nails to satisfy my sudden impulse to create nails using a dotting tool! Hooray, impulse-settles, nails-shared, day-successful! Now, if you guys are all lookin' forward to Valentines Day as much as little old me is then you may want to know about my upcoming post 'Top Ten Nail Polishes To Wear For Valentines Day'. What is that you ask? Well, I'll tell you! I will be swatching my top ten favouritest nail polishes to wear on Valentines Day and reviewing them in one big old' swatch-a-rama. If you want a lil' more of an idea of what it will be like, you can check out the Christmas list here. Now, I wanna hear your thoughts! Do you love Valentines Nails? Will you be dotting yourself some hearts? Do you like dott-icures? Let me know right here in the comments or on Instagram and Pinterest (my username is thegoodnailsblog)!
May your nails be good!


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