St Patricks Day Nail Art Tutorial; Gradient Clover Nails

Hi again everybody, and happy St Patricks Day (again)! Today I welcome you all to my second last nail art tutorial for St Patricks Day! And guess what? More clovers! Yay, clovers, yay! Y'know, I didn't get do to that many tutorials for St Patricks Day, well, not as many as I usually end up doing for holidays! It's coz' I started late, well, actually, I started early, then I thought I was too early so I waited, but then I waited too long and it ended up being too late! Gah! It's a viscous cycle, innit?

I definitely wanted to do some sort of gradient-y nails for St Patricks Day, but now I regret not doing it in green and gold! That is just such a cute combination for St Patricks day! The nail polishes that I used for these nails were; Revlon Jaded Night, Sally Hansen White On and Sinful Colors Innocent.

The first step is to paint your nails with a coat of black or white nail polish to serve as a base for the gradient. Next, using a latex-free makeup sponge, take your dark green polish and wipe it across the sponge to form a thick line of polish. Next, do the same thing with the white polish creating a stripe directly underneath the first one.

Next, dab the sponge onto the nail until you are satisfied with the gradient effect. You may need to repeat the above step in order to gain a gradient which is fully opaque. You can also use some sort of liquid latex barrier, or just regular 'ol tape if you wanna save a bit on clean up time.

Now we are gonna start on the clover; it's clover time! Take a nail art brush and your lighter green colour and make a large dot in the centre of the gradient.

To complete the clover (and these nails!) add two more dots connecting to the first one and draw a step coming out of the middle, and done! That's your clover gradient nails all finished! But, there's more if you want! Click here to watch the video tutorial for these nails!

Hooooooooray! More clovers, can't get enough of 'em; those clovers! I keep seeing pictures of stamping plates for St Patricks Day, they look so amazing, given that I want to rock clover nails all year long! Do you know what I mean, don't they look so cute? Anyway, what did you guys think of these nails? Do you love clovers? Are you a fan of gradients? What are you wearing on your nails for St Patricks Day? Let me know down below in the comments or on Instagram and Pintrest (my username is thegoodnailsblog)!
May your nails be good and lucky


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