Sinful Colors 'Innocent' (St Patricks Day number 1) Green Nail Polish Swatch and Review

Hi everybody. Today is both a sad and a happy day, as this is the last polish on my Top Ten Nail Polishes to Wear this St Patricks Day series (read all 'bout that here).  But, I don't wanna be sad! I wanna celebrate, coz' this list was a journey, with lot'sa hard work put into it. Y'know, me being a bit of a worry-wart, was worried that I would not be able to finish this list in time for St Patricks Day, but here I am, victorious! The final polish on this list is one that is quite special to me. Why, you ask? Coz' it's number one on this list; that's why!

Look! It's Innocent by Sinful Colors! This colour is an absolute St Patricks Day classic; when I think about my collection  and nail polishes for St Patricks day, this is without a doubt the first thing that comes to mind. There is no other nail polish in my collection that could have topped Innocent for the number one position on this list! The colour is just a straight up light green creme, but it almost reminds me of a green apple (Hey! That would have been a good name for the polish.). I know that this is a very simple colour, but I also think that simple can be effective, and this instance I think that it's perfect!

The only drawback for me is that the formula can be a little bit hard to control, for example, I found that in slightly thicker coats the polish would pool towards my cuticles and I could not control it very well. I think it might just take some getting used to in order to perfect a mani with this polish. Since this is the third Sinful Colors polish on this list, I won't be addressing brush or bottle issues,  but I will link relevant reviews here. Also, if you wanna see how this polish applies to the nail, you can watch the live application video here!

So, green apple, err, I mean Innocent by Sinful Colors is my top polish to wear this St Patricks Day! Why is that? That's coz' this polish is a classic green creme, it's not fancy, it's that glamorous but it is simple, bright and beautiful and I think that it makes for a perfect St Patricks Day manicure! What do you guys think? What are you gonna wear on your nails this St Patricks Day? Does this colour remind you of a green apple? What is your favourite polish on this list? Let me know in the comments and on Instagram and Pintrest (my username is thegoodnailsblog).
May your nails be good and lucky


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