Revlon Colorstay Gel Envy 'Winning Streak' (Easter number 6) Purple Nail Polish Swatch and Review

Hey everyone! Today is yet another instalment of the Top Ten Nail Polishes To Wear this Easter series, (everything you need to know here) and it's getting pretty darn close to Easter; I wish time would somehow slow down so that Easter will come later! This instalment will be on one of my all-time favourite lines of nail polish the Revlon Colourstay Gel Envy line, which I have previously reviewed, but only once! So, I am really looking forward to reviewing it again!

This here is Winning Streak, and it is a beautiful mid-tone purple shade! I feel like purple is just a quintessential Easter colour, bright colourful colours (ooh, colourful colours; that is a bit odd isn't it?) such as this one are a favourite of mine for this particular season! I can imagine this as a nice colour for a pretty, colourful Easter egg!

As for the formula, guys, It was really really good! The formula gave me no problems whatsoever; it's a problem free polish! The formula went on very smooth and became opaque in two simple coats. I also appreciate the shiny-ness of this polish; which comes from the Gel-esque qualities of this line. For a bit more information on this polish, including a brush and bottle review; check out my previous review of another polish from the same line here

Y'know, I really think that this polish hits a sweet spot, in fact I would go so far as to say it hits a super sweet sweet spot. It's got a beautiful colour and a problem-free formula (by the way, expect me to use this phrase again in the future, I really like it!),what more could you want from a nail polish? I really adore this line of polish and it was great fun reviewing it again!
May your nails be good


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