Heart Shaped Cut Out Nail Art Tutorial for Valentines Day

Hello again, everybody! I have some more nails for Valentines Day, yay! I just love manicures for Valentines Day, they are the cutest! So many hearts and flowers and pretty light and bright colours! This manicure makes the best of both of those things; cute hearts and pretty pretty colours!

 I love this combinations of colours for Valentines Day! The polishes that I used in this post were: Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure Shrimply Divine, Maybelline Color Show Candy Apple, Sinful Colors Lie-Lac, Barry M Eat My Dust and David Jones Sourise. 

To start off these nails, first paint them with your base colour, then to create the top half of the heart draw a upside-down 'W' shape at the tip of your nail.

 Then complete the heart shape by drawing two lines downwards to form a 'v' shape.

Lastly, fill in the shape that you have created using black nail polish to create your finishes heart shape.

That's it guys! I have been wearing this manicure for a few days and I just love it! It's so colourful and cute! I think if you wore this manicure with only one colour, it could change the whole look completely. Sometime soon I will be posting my 'Top Ten Nail Polishes to Wear for Valentines Day" Which will map out my top picks for your nails this Valentines day, with a mini-review and plenty of swatches, just like I did for Christmas! Not to mention, there will be plenty more nail art tutorial for the occasion as well! Are you getting excited? I can't wait! Did you love this manicure? What colours would you use? Do you love Valentines Day nail art? Let me know what you think down below in the comments and on Instagram and Pinterest (my username is thegoodnailsblog)!
May your nails be good!


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