Top Ten Best Nail Polishes to Wear this Valentines Day

Hello everybody! I am so very delighted to bring you this long-awaited post (well, long awaited for me, I have been dying to share this with you ;) ).  If you are here, you have probably wondered, pondered or considered this question 'What should I wear on my nails on Valentines Day?' Well wonder, ponder and consider no more, because I have the answer for you! This is a line up of ten beautiful, romantic shades that will make your nails standout from the crowd! Are you ready, guys? Let's go!

Kicking off our list at number ten is a quintessential colour for Valentines Day; pink! This colour is ' Happy Daze' from the Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure range. The polish is a bright bubble-gum pink colour that goes on really beautifully in two coats, and girl, your gonna love the amazing wide-paddle brush that come with this polish! A great thing about the Complete Salon Manicure range is that it has both top-coat and base-coat built into the polish, how convenient is that! Thanks, Sally Hansen!

We started off with the quintessential, now let's move on to something a little different for Valentines Day; a silver! At number 9 is Celeb City from the Sally Hansen X-treme Wear range. This silver is a ultra-sparkle-packed silver foil polish, and when I mean ultra-sparkle-packed I mean ultra-sparkle-PACKED! It reminds me a lot of Supernova from Sinful Colors, but a silver version. Two coats to full sparkle-pacity, but be warned! This will leave some sparkles on your cuticles and fingies. 

For something a little more subdued this Valentines Day, why not try a nude? Squeezing it's way into the number 8 spot is 'Excuse me-sur' from Essie, a beautiful peachy toned nude shade. This polish gets opaque between 2-3 coats depending on your application. On three of my nails, I applied a reeeally thin coat and on one a thick coat. The one I did a thick coat on was opaque in two coats and the ones with thinner coats took three coats for full opacity. One thing I gotta mention is the beautiful, buttery formula, it makes this polish a joy to apply!

Mulberry; if it's not in jams and it's not in pies it's gotta be on your nails, jiggling into number 7 is 'Big Spender', also from Essie. I think that Mulberry is just such an awesome colour for Valentines Day because it's a great mid-point between two classic Valentines Day colours; pink and purple! This vibrant polish gives awesome coverage in one coat, and I think if you went with a really thick coat you could get away with it in one, but two coats gives max opacity and max shine (it's really shiny!).

Number six is another must-have colour for Valentines Day; a red. Claiming our number 6 spot is 'Candy Apple' from the Maybelline Color Show range. This polish is awesome! Great opacity in one coat, although two is needed for full coverage, and a standout formula and brush! I particularly love this red because it's darker than your regular red, which makes it a more unique choice for Valentines Day without straying too far from the classic.

Speeding it's way into number 5 is Orchid from the Revlon Top Speed range. This shimmery magenta polish is an absolute gem, with it's fast drying formula and beautiful finish it definitely deserves a place on this list. The polish builds up easily in two coats and is packed with shimmer and shine. It's funny, I reviewed another polish called Orchid from Sinful Colors just a while ago, and it was also gorgeous!

Ooh! We're gettin' to the pointy end here guys! What would Valentines Day be without a beautiful light pink colour? So coming in at number 4 is 'French Affair' from Esssie. French affair is a beautiful light pink colour, and as a pink lover, I must say it is a delight to wear on my nails! The formula isn't at all difficult to work with and builds up to full opacity in three coats, although it is very close in two. I usually find that super light colour like this can be difficult to work with, but this really wasn't! I am in love with this polish for Valentines Day!

Hey, guys, some of you may recognise this nail polish coz' I have previously swatched and reviewed it as a part of my Boxing Day Haul series. But, I just had to have this on this list, it is absolutely perfect for Valentines Day. This is Endless Candyheart from the L'oreal Infalliable Gel range. I feel like this polish was just MADE for Valentines Day, everything from the name, to the colour is just Valentines perfection. It takes two coats for full opacity and is very shiny.

Oh! Only two left to go! Really? In our prestigious number two place is 'Under 18' from Sinful Colors. This is a more classic red shade but it's packed with a gorgeous shimmer which stands out beautifully on the nail. It's opaque in two coats and it's everything you need if you're looking for something super pretty and shimmery but still classic for Valentines Day.

Claiming our number one spot, sitting at the tippy top of the list, the winner winner chicken dinner is Stawerry Shimmer from Cutex. I remarked when I used this polish in this manicure that it was almost too sparkly, and it is, it's almost is eye-searing! I love this so much for Valentines Day because 1) sparkles, sparkles and more sparkles and 2) the colour! It's a beautiful subdued, not in your face, light pink. This polish builds up opacity nicely in two coats, but to get that eye-searing shimmer you definitely need a third, you'll be surprised how much it makes a difference!

That is it! Ten pretty pretty polishes to make your Valentines Day super special! I hope that you all enjoyed this post and took some inspiration away from it! If you have, I've done my job :). I'd love to hear your thoughts! Which of these is your favourite? What colours do you like for Valentines Day? Are you preparing for your Valentines Day mani? Please let me know right here in the comments or on Instagram and Pinterest (my username is thegoodailsblog).
May your nails and Valentines Day be good!


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