Top Ten Nail Polishes to Wear this St Patricks Day Complete List

Hiya! Wow! St Patricks Day is right around the corner, huh? That is exciting for me coz' I love St Patricks Day; all my manicures are green right now! But, what happens on this wonderful holiday when you're out of inspiration? You've gone through every one of your green and gold nail polishes and thought 'Nope! Not doing it for me!', what happens then? Well, I haven devised a simple solution for lack of polish inspiration this St Patricks Day; a list of my Top Ten Nail Polishes to Wear this St Patricks Day!

With oh-so-many beautiful shades of polishes, where oh where do we begin? Something simple but effective or something just a little bit out of the box? I assure you that this list contains plenty of both the former and latter, but kicking off this list at number 10 is......

...Chic Chartreuse by Maybelline, or more specifically the Maybelline Colour Show Bleached Neons range! That's right, at number 10 is a neon! This polish is on the list becase of it's unique finish and colour, you don't get many chartreuse nail polishes in a neon finish! But, there are issues with the formula ( as can be expected from a neon polish), it's very, very, VERY streaky, does not self-level at all (you heard that right, at all!) and ends up with a patchy finish if you don't do thick enough coats. Nevertheless, the unique colour is one that I adore for St Patricks Day, so it still deserves a spot on the list, for me at least. Don't forget! If you are interested in more polishy-details, the full review is here and the live application is here!

Next up in number 9, another unique one - Did it on 'em by OPI! Y'know this one is really a love it or hate it type a' polish. I personally love it, but it just 'aint for everybody. The colour is a blend between green and yellow, which I believe is sometimes known as a 'shrek-green'. The only real problem with this polish is that the formula is a bit too runny and takes three coats to get to full opacity, but I really haven't seen any polishes like this one, so I think it is worth it for something so unique! A full review of this polish can be found here and also, just for something a lil' extra, the swatch video is here!

Here in our number 8 spot we have a beautiful polish, deliciously name Mint Apple, does that happen? Do people eat apple with mint? Nope, sorry. Got distracted, back to polish now. I really love Sinful Colours, and their St Patricks Day nail polish are really, really great, although unfortunately I haven't seen a lot of them in Australia. This polish is another one that is really beautiful! It's a mint colour with a gorgeous subtle white shimmer. I love how subtle the shimmer is and how it goes beautifully with the base colour, but the formula is quite thin and runny, taking three coats for full coverage. I did not like the formula at all, but still, I just love this colour! For more info on this polish the full review can be found here (no search party necessary) and the live application video here!

Once again, in the number 7 spot; from Sinful Colours; Jade Kat. One question for Sinful Colours; why is this polish called Jade Kat if the colour is actually emerald? Does not make sense to me, but still, damn is this polish pretty! The base colour is emerald, but the polish appears to have a blue hue as it has lots of blue shimmer in there and I love that because I, like a magpie, am attracted to things that sparkle! This polish looked pretty opaque to me in two coats and I wasn't sure whether or not I needed a third, but I went for it anyway and it gave it a stunning depth and colour and sparkle, so don't skip coat number three guys! The formula was a teeny bit runny, but no real issues with it for me. So; full review here, live application here!

Moving on, for as more subtle and light manicure, in number 6 is Mint Sorbet from the Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear range is a beautiful light green, and I really mean light, the green colour is very subtle. Y'know, for such a light colour, this polish builds up very well in two coats. Unfortunately, there was a problem with the formula. I found that if you overwork the polish, then it is prone to light spots and patches, so you need to be a little bit careful with application. Still, not bad at all for this kinda colour! For the full review click here and the live application here!

Guys, you know that this list could never, ever be complete without a gold polish! So here at number 5 is Golden Charm by Revlon. How perfect is that name for St Patricks Day! This polish is such a beauty,it's packed full'a glitty bits! And, those glitty bits include silver shimmer, causing the polish to look silver in some light, innit that cool? The formula on this one was also really good, which surprised me, 'coz I haven't had much good experience with Revlon formulas! Sooooo sparkly, I mean review and live application, sparkly sparkly sparkly!

Up next in spot number 4, an actual jade polish; Jade is the New Black by OPI. This polish is a classic jade shade (heh-heh, that rhymes!) that I honestly can't look past for St Patricks Day! I generally really love OPI formulas and this is not an exception (Did it on 'em sure was though....)!Really great formula on this one that I really enjoyed! Another big plus for this polish is that it didn't stain! Although, I didn't leave it on for long so I can't speak for longer wear times, but I have had jade nail polishes stain my nails before (heh-hem, Revlon Jaded Night). More fun stuff: Review, Live Application.

Lookit! Lookit! Lookit! It's so shiny! And it's our number 3 polish, Green Thumb also from the Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear range! This polish is a real favourite of mine, because of it's super unique and fun formula! The formula is very sheer and very jelly-like on the first coat, but builds to full opacity on the second coat! Isn't that cool? I really love it! I know, I know, I have done this backward with formula first and colour second it's just that the formula excites me! The colour is a simple dark-ish (I wanna say mid-toned but it doesn't exist, yet ) green,  but it is a must have  for St Patricks Day! Relevant things that may interest you; full review and live application!

Zoya, Zoya, Zoya, how you have impressed me with this beutiful polish! Coming in at number 2 is Logan by Zoya. This polish is just a bombshell, I am obsessed! It has a bunch of interesting stuff in it but I will try and describe it as best I can. The colour is a dark green base with gold and green shimmer,  but it also appears to have a slightly multi-chrome shift to it, which makes it real fun to stare at and wiggle it around in the light! To top of the gorgeousness of this polish is an excellent formula, it's not thick nor thin and doesn't run but also builds up to opacity in two easy coats! For more details read the full review here and watch the live application here!

Whaaaaaaaaat? I can't believe that we are already at the end of the list! But, that also means we have reached my favourite polish for St Patricks Day; Innocent by Sinful Colors! Sometimes I think that a manicure can be perfect just by being simple; this polish is that perfect simple manicure; it's just a beautiful light green creme polish! But, look at that colour! Isn't it just perfect for St Patricks Day? There is honestly no other polish in my collection that could have topped this list, y'know? I just love it! But, the only thing that I don;t like is the formula, which is difficult to control. And, if you wanna see more of this polish the full review is here and the live application here.

Well, guys, this is it! We have reached the end of this post! There were so many polishes in this list that were really fantastic, don't you think? It was a lot of fun giving each of these polishes the attention that they deserved with a full swatch and review, so I hope that you all had a great time seeing what each of these polishes had to offer! I also hope that you found a new favourite St Patricks Day polish on this list, or maybe one of your favourites was featured? Also, I wanna know what your perfect St Patricks Day mani is! Let me know right here in the comments or on Instagram and Pintrest (my username is thegoodnailsblog)!

May your nails be good and lucky!


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